Cherryfield Ecology

Opportunities to join our team at Cherryfield Ecology

Cherryfield Ecology is keen to hear from freelancers and self employed Ecologists for the up coming summer survey season.

If you are interested in working with Cherryfield Ecology please send a CV and your address to [email protected].

Subcontractors and Seasonal Opportunities –

Most of the work that Cherryfield Ecology undertakes is related to bats, so experience of using a bat detector, undertaking emergence and re-entry surveys is ideal and access to a car is a must. You must be available to undertake dawn surveys. We are also keen to hear from Ecologists with experience undertaking common reptile surveys, badgers surveys, GCN and phase 1 habitat surveys.

Information required –

  • Availability
  • Experience you have with protected species surveys
  • Whether you hold any Natural England licences for bats, GCN or other species
  • Professional Membership e.g. Royal Society of Biology/CIEEM

No Agencies, Thank You.

Fast lead in times and customer service is at the heart of Cherryfield Ecology.

Cherryfield Ecology aims to provide you with comprehensive ecology surveys for your planning application. We know that planning applications are highly stressful and we are here to help you get the consent you need for the dream home you have always wanted. If you are unsure about anything, please use get in touch for quick, friendly advice.

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