Cherryfield Ecology is keen to hear from freelancers and self employed Ecologists for the up coming summer survey season.
If you are interested in working with Cherryfield Ecology please send a CV and your address to [email protected].
Subcontractors and Seasonal Opportunities –
Most of the work that Cherryfield Ecology undertakes is related to bats, so experience of using a bat detector, undertaking emergence and re-entry surveys is ideal and access to a car is a must. You must be available to undertake dawn surveys. We are also keen to hear from Ecologists with experience undertaking common reptile surveys, badgers surveys, GCN and phase 1 habitat surveys.
Information required –
- Availability
- Experience you have with protected species surveys
- Whether you hold any Natural England licences for bats, GCN or other species
- Professional Membership e.g. Royal Society of Biology/CIEEM
No Agencies, Thank You.