
Holds licences for bats, GCN, dormouse and barn owl. He has been a named ecologist on mitigation licences for bats, badger and dormouse. He holds a level 7 institute of leadership and management award in business and management and has recently undertaken study at the University of Essex in business and management were he gained PGCert, he is a full member of the Royal Society of Biology and a Chartered Biologist. He is a member of the Bedfordshire bat group, with over 10 years experience of undertaking ecology surveys for planning applications and local wildlife groups.


  • Bat Surveys (level 3 and 4 licences held)
  • GCN Surveys (level 1 licence held)
  • Dormouse Surveys (level 1 licence held)
  • Badger Surveys
  • Barn Owl Surveys (licence held)
  • Habitat Management Plans
  • Mitigation Plans
