Thermal imaging is becoming more and more available and cost effective, with the advent of ‘on the go’ (OTG) devices.
Cherryfield Ecology has recently purchased a FLIR one OTG thermal camera to aid in bat emergence and bat surveys. Over the next few weeks we will be testing this out on bat surveys and will aim to get a review of the set-up on the website as soon as possible.
Cherryfield Ecology is trialling this new technology in order to help clients with their planning applications when protected species and specifically bats are found to be an issue, whilst helping to keep costs for the client down and improving the information gathered during surveys, we can gain more accurate data and thus decrease the risks of missing bats in buildings.
Interested in getting a bat survey done? Cherryfield Ecology can be contacted here
Need to know more about bat surveys? check out our bat survey pages here