Soprano pipistrelles, are widely distributed across the British Isles. However, the soprano pipistrelle tends to avoid open habitats such as farmland and tends to favour areas close to water with woodland (, 2018).

Category: Bat Survey

Date: July 2016

Pipistrelles are the most common of all species found in the UK. The soprano and common pipistrelle are very similar. Both look the same and there flight patterns are similar. Both generally emerge at around 20 minutes after sunset (Delaney, 2018). In fact, they were only identified as two separate species in the 1990s (BCT, 2018). Telling them apart can be tricky, even for a bat surveyor. However,  a good guide to identifying them is to look at their echolocation frequencies. Common pipistrelle calls can generally be seen on a spectrogram at 45khz. Whereas the soprano pipistrelle calls are generally found at the higher frequency of 55khz.

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Populations of the soprano pipistrelle, have been in decline over the past few decades due to a number of issues including agricultural intensification. However, populations have started to recover, with UK and EU laws contributing to this trend!

The soprano pipistrelle is fairly insensitive to the cold and will roost in small cracks and crevices in new and old buildings. Between roof tiles, hanging tile and even in eaves or behind panelling (, 2018). Due to its roosting preferences in buildings old and new, you might find these little guys sharing your home!

With that in mind, if you happen to be looking to secure planning permission for that over due renovation or dream extension/new build and are in need of a bat survey get in contact with the team at Cherryfield Ecology.

References (2018). Soprano Pipistrelle Bat. Available at: [Accessed 26 Apr. 2018].

Delaney, G. (2018). British Wildlife Facts -Soprano pipistrelle| Let’s Go Britain. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Apr. 2018].

The Bat Conservation (2018). Bat Conservation Trust. Available at: [Accessed 26 Apr. 2018].

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